вторник, 5 июня 2012 г.

Letter of joy

The most original answer in the comments of the author of the letter gets an invite to the. club.

Max Shepherds launched its. blog. However the old posts - it's his old blog, but in any case, I recommend they read and. Many re- discover for yourself this person. In any case, I signed up, and I have a reader in just over ten blogs. Speaking of. bases and keyah. This blog is almost a word.

понедельник, 4 июня 2012 г.

Horror of Congo

Congo - one of the African countries with the dark and terrible history. In its primitive jungle up to the present practice of witchcraft, cannibalism and ritual murder. For a long time the country was a colony of Belgium, but the June 30, 1960 to power in the Congo came to ...
Among the most popular politicians were three: Kasavubu, Lumumba and Tshombe. Kasavubu became president after the revolution, Lumumba - the biggest friend of the Soviet Union, and Tshombe went to his home province of Katanga, and declared its sovereignty. Moisi Tshombe was an ordinary black racist. In the first place, of course, he put his, but the white attitude with respect - except for the Communists. He allowed the metropolis yesterday - Belgium - enter into Katanga troops to protect the Belgians from the violence of ... The province established the order.

Patrice Lumumba, however, managed to push through a UN resolution against Katanga. It was decided: the Belgians from Katanga leave and are replaced by peacekeeping forces. Replacement of this increased instability. The province was going on something obscure, until the chaos does not hold, but also to the order of the relationship has no. By January 1963, UN troops in Katanga still have some semblance of stability, and because of the Tshombe government intrigue six months later, thought it best to go to Spain.

In the summer of 1964 once again exploded in the Congo. In the basin of the river Kouilou Simba uprising - primitive illiterate Africans, who considered his main task of the physical destruction of all white and all the educated blacks. The main striking force of Simba were ... Peter led the revolt Mulele announced its fighters ... Those made ​​on the ... From the Warriors needed a waving branch and repeat simple little spell which transformed supposedly bullet in water.

The Soviet Union at that time was in a terrible insult to the central authorities of the Congo, for the brutal and cowardly assassination of Patrice Lumumba. Therefore, the socialist countries and the ... In eastern Congo, organized the ... IL-18 Algerian and Egyptian An-12 made ​​several hundred flights. Within a few months with Simba up and machetes went on the Kalashnikov. As a result, the government forces, representing a similar riff-raff at the sight of armed to the teeth, and even ...
Terrified Tshombe asked Kasavubu to become prime minister. Agreeing, he called the country of foreign specialists, both technical and military. U.S. and Western Europe were happy to step in, as is well known that blood-thirsty Mulele gladly shoot the white hostage. The Americans, having concluded a secret agreement with the Belgians, first moved to the Congo a dozen heavy bombers, attack aircraft, B-26 ... Piloted by mercenaries from their number of Cubans living in the U.S.. All of them were eager to avenge the recent defeat of the communists in the Bay of Pigs, where the Cuban opposition members parachuted to overthrow the regime of Fidel Castro. For the first time ... Simba came into confusion, and the city had been successfully taken. In the future, little old bombers repeatedly struck Simba heavy damage, literally tens and hundreds of man-eaters vykashivaya. At the same time departures are consistent with the resident by the CIA in the Congo and seconded to the U.S. embassy officer, USAF ( Air Force U.S.).

At the same time in the Congo appeared large detachments of white mercenaries who possessed great independence in activities. South African Choir, Michael formed a fifth of the English-speaking mercenaries squad of commandos, which operated in the east. French skydiver Bob Denard headed Franco- Belgian group, and the former Belgian planter Jacques Schramm cranked some mischief, using the captured rebels as slaves simba.

Getting stronger by Western aid Congolese Air Force and land forces inflicted a defeat for the rebels to others. The army continued to pursue Simba, even in neighboring Uganda. By the summer of 1965 a rebellion was suppressed. But the contradiction between Kasavubu and Tshombe only increased. It is unknown what would be their bickering is over, but November 25 of that year, Chief Congolese army, Joseph -Desire Mobutu's coup d'etat and took the presidency and became the dictator. Tshombe fled to Spain again, but continued to hope to seize power. He met secretly with Bob Denaro, and agreed that the white mercenaries arrange a revolt that would have to support the gendarmerie and the local population of Katanga. However, sympathetic to the CIA bribed by Mobutu 's bodyguard Tshombe, the French Francois Bodenara felon, and the threatened use of weapons to Algeria hijacked a plane carrying Prime Minister.


July 5, 1967 a rebellion broke out after all the white mercenaries. These men were well armed, well organized and disciplined, not to mention the high professional skills of. They were supported by a half thousand Katanga gendarmes, led by General Nathaniel Mbumboy. For Bob Denard beginning of hostilities was bad. First, he and his team did not manage in time to Stenlivillyu, the largest base of the armed opposition, and Schramm was forced to hold their own city. Denard was wounded July 10, and he left Schramm. The group of mercenaries with his wounded commander made ​​its way to one of Congolese airfields. There, they seized the freighter aircraft DC-3 ... Denard was in the hospital, but the injury was not too serious. Soon he was able to fly to Brussels. Schramm is August 9 conquered the city of Bukavu and held it for three months. Mobutu was acting very strongly. Elite units of his army were European- trained and were armed with armored vehicles. But the president and the government still preferred to seek help from the West, saying that the territory of the country invaded by the ... The first responded to the call of French President Mobutu Giscard d'Estaing, who, in turn, asked the King Hassan II of Morocco to provide assistance to the Congo to fight rebels. The king ordered to send 1500 troops to Katanga elite special forces units. They moved back to the French military transport aircraft. That gallant Moroccans defeated the army of Nathaniel Mbumby and drove him to the territory of Angola.

Meanwhile, Bob Denard moved from Brussels to the same Angola. There, with the support of the Portuguese secret police, PIDE he made a new group of mercenaries. The Portuguese armed them, and brought to the Congolese border, and then washed their hands, pretending that they really got to do exactly nothing to do with. In late October, Denard and his party re-entered in the Congo, intending to help Jacques Schramm. However, success in this endeavor was not. Soon after the invasion ran out of steam, and to Bukavu Denard did not reach. Mobutu dare give up the fight against the elite Schramm first parachute regiment, after which the city fell. White mercenaries had to break into a neighboring Rwanda. From there, a few months later, they flew to Europe.
But it was not such staunch General Mbumba. In May 1968 he and his ... In the border town of Kolwezi General took hostage 54 whites, 16 of which were killed. Congo's government has again turned for support to the West. And once again came to the aid of France. May 19 400 paratroopers parachuted from Foreign Legion in Kolwezi and rescued the surviving hostages. Two days later, 100 Belgian troops had landed in the fireplace and took custody of Europeans living there. In the 20 days of May, the French Legion broke up fierce resistance Mbumby gendarmes, squeezing their remnants in neighboring Angola.
The Soviet Union at that time was in a terrible insult to the central authorities of the Congo, for the brutal and cowardly assassination of Patrice Lumumba.
Joseph- Desire Mobutu's rule for many years. Over time he became a universally recognized national leader by the name of Mobutu Sese Seko, the Ku -Ku Ngbendu Society of Banga, roughly translated as ... Usurper, we note especially, managed to make friends not only with the United States and Western Europe, but also with the Soviet Union, which regularly congratulated Brezhnev and his successors to the proletarian holidays May 1 and November 7.

Valdis Peypinsh.